Thursday, March 17, 2016

SCD Day 6


Medication: 10MG Prednisone, 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic, ProZymes Digestive Enzymes (2 per meal)

Passings: 1
3:20PM It was nice to go more than 24 hours later than my last bathroom visit. I can feel my body returning basically to normal where a normal person has a passing maybe every 20-30 hours or so. That sounds about right and how I used to function before my disease kicked in. The stool was surprisingly small, and there was a bit of undigested fat still, which was expected. Also the slightest bit of a yeasty look, but nothing too alarming. I'm still counting on the digestive enzymes to take care of most of that, but I'll watch my sugar intake also. I wouldn't say I'm abusing the fruit sugars, but I will have a small spoon of honey about twice a day. So the only culprits continue to be undigested fats and too much sugar, which I believe will keep itself in check from now on now that I'm religiously taking the digestive enzymes.

How I Feel: Great. It's always great, so unless I feel not great, I'll just talk about new experiences or things learned. The diet is already working splendidly, but small tweaks always seem to be needed, such as watching the sugar intake of honey and fruits, and taking those digestive enzymes. 2 pills of the digestive enzymes are to be taken per meal, so that's basically 6 pills a day. There was a warning that those pills at that dosage amount can cause a stomach ache, but I have continued to report that we are not suffering from those side effects. They say to ease into taking up to 2 pills per meal, by starting at maybe half a pill and working your way up over the weeks. My experience is just a slight burning tingle in my stomach, but it really isn't bothersome at all. I suppose other people may have a worse reaction. I just want to dive in and take the appropriate amount and not have to worry about weening my way into those. Glad I'm adjusting well to the Digestive Enzymes. I think they will really work from here on out.

Information Not Easily Found: Here is some information that wasn't thoroughly explained in the books "Breaking the Vicious Cycle", and "SCD Lifestyle: Surviving to Thriving". I found the extra information by emailing the staff of the SCD Lifestyle website.

  • Honey is legal from Day 1 of the SCD diet
  • Almond Milk can come in at Phase 1 of the diet
  • Don't try dairy of yoghurt of any kind until being on the diet for at least 30 days.
  • ProZyme Digestive Enzymes should be taken for at least 90 days, then weened off of. Another source said go 6 months.
  • Almond Flour would probably be best introduced in Phase 3 of the diet with the other nut flours listed in Phase 3. My email responder said Phase 2 would be alright, but I really don't like that idea. It wasn't specific enough in the SCD Lifestyle Book.
  • Phases last as long as you think you should wait until progressing into the next Phase. But basically anywhere from 3-4 weeks per Phase. I wouldn't go any less than 3 weeks before progressing though. For me, will go exactly 3 weeks per Phase.

Food: Scrambled eggs and jello for breakfast. Lunch was leftover Pork Chops and Pear Sauce, which was still delicious. Dinner we were going to go with Tilapia, but we saw an amazing piece of Salmon staring at us, so we bought both and had a bunch of Salmon for dinner again. My mouth is watering right now just thinking of it. I'm a huge fan of Salmon. We'll have the Tilapia for lunch tomorrow ;) Usually the grape jello is snacked on throughout the day and had for dessert along side a little mouthful of honey. 

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