Friday, March 11, 2016

SCD Day 1


I am 25 years old, and am 5 foot 8 inches. I weigh 142 pounds currently, which is way too low for my liking, but I got this way from my previous flareup in the middle February. Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in January, 2015, but felt the symptoms coming in over the summer of 2014. I've basically had 3 flare-ups ever since, with my most recent in the middle of last month. No thank you anymore to those flare-ups. Those consist of upset shedding intestines, massive amounts of yeast, blood from shedding my intestinal lining, which leads to my being severely malnourished and stuck in bed 14 hours a day, and bathroom visits ranging from 12-30 times a day. More towards the 30 mark as I got worse and worse, which eventually landed me in my last visit to the emergency room. I've played around with this diet a bit before and saw great results, but I've finally gone through enough of the experience of all of this that I'm now 100% aboard the diet. So here goes.

Current weight: 142 Pounds

Medication: 15MG Prednisone and 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic

Passings: 2
12:00PM Good and pretty firm/well put together, but covered in a decent amount of yeast. No signs of seeing any undigested food in the passing.
8:30PM One very small passing and covered in yeast. Kind of like a tiny white stone was passed. I barely even noticed it.

How I Feel: Pretty good for someone who suffers from Left Sided Ulcerative Colitis. There are slight grumblings and churnings in my small and large intestines. I believe I'm experiencing a decent amount of gas, but it doesn't seem much worse than a normal functioning person. There is still a slight concern for the yeast inside of me. The diet still needs to continue to detox my body and kill off all of that bad bacteria inside of me. I've been weening myself into this diet, so my symptoms have already been put into check pretty well for the past few weeks before starting the SCD. The improvements I'm looking for is just getting rid of the yeast, stopping the churning feeling that I think I sense most in my small intestine, continuing to have 1-2 movements per day, and Lord willing, one day get off of all medication. Successfully weening off of the Prednisone is the goal right now as I drop 5MG off of my daily dose each week. That takes place every Wednesday. Again, I already feel pretty good from weening my way into this diet. I'm hoping that I will be able to introduce each new food in each Phase of the SCD Lifestyle book with no problems.

Food: Lots of the intro diet soup was consumed today. Had a fair amount of diluted grape jello. Had my own fair share of both ground beef and ground turkey balls. A few boiled eggs were consumed without the yoke part because I don't like that part much anyway. Water was the main fluid consumed today. I don't think I'll do the diluted grape juice fluids until Phase 1. The jello is hopefully fine and I hope that and the eggs are going through me alright. It'll be hard to tell if those are affecting me right now. My symptoms are already pretty darn good and we are literally JUST starting the intro diet, so I have no idea if there is any reason to cut out the jello or eggs. According to the book, the fruit sugars from the grape juice might be feeding the bad bacteria, and the protein Albumin from the eggs could possibly be a problem for me, but I have no idea right now. I don't feel terrible at all and I don't mind the current churning and whatnot. I'll just have to keep my eye on it all I suppose.

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