Friday, March 25, 2016

SCD Day 14


Medication: 5MG Prednisone, 40MG Lialda, Probiotics, Prozymes

Passings: 1
1:40PM. Looked very normal. There isn't really much to report on passings anymore. They are all coming out the same as Bristol 4's

How I Feel: Great! 2 weeks in! Still no pain in my guts. Poops are coming in just fine. Not much to report since there isn't anything new I'll be introducing or anything like that. Though I don't eat fruit excessively, I still have a good portion of it, and that makes me happy that I don't suffer from any problems. The bad bacteria in me really is gone.

Food: Banana and applesauce for breakfast. Ground beef for lunch. Chicken breasts for dinner with spinach on top. Other bananas and applesauces were consumed throughout the day too as well as diluted grape juice.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

SCD Day 13


Medication: 5MG Prednisone, 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic, ProZymes

Passings: 0
How am I supposed to document if there hasn't been any stool?! But what's good is I don't feel constipated or anything. I'm sure I'll go eventually.

How I Feel: Very good. There was a bit of churning after I introduced Spinach today. I feel like my body starts groaning every time I introduce a brand new food to the diet. Like it's adjusting to the newcomer, but then welcomes it in with loving arms. The groaning didn't last very long. It's the first time I haven't pooped all day in basically two years which is pretty cool! It's also nice that I don't feel constipated or lousy! This diet has definitely been healing me, and it hasn't taken long for it to do that. One side thing that I've noticed since being on this diet is that I pee less frequently. But when I do go, I go FOREVER and ALOT! Maybe the good nutrients have done some kind of healing effect to my bladder, because I remember peeing more frequently when I used to be able to consume sodas and whatnot. My water intake seems alright enough, but I'm not worried about that. I'm done trying out foods now. Got a little over a week left till I get to Phase 2. Not many other foods I care to try out in Phase 1.

Food: No breakfast. Lunch was 2 pieces of salmon. Dinner was 3 pieces of salmon, then I had a second dinner 2-3 hours later of 4 eggs, ground turkey, and pureed spinach all mixed in together. It was delicious! I also consumed applesauce, bananas, and homemade almond milk today as snacks. Welcome to the food safety zone Spinach!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

SCD Day 12


Medication: 10MG Prednisone (drops to 5MG tomorrow), 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic, ProZymes

Passings: 1
2:20PM This was odd because it came a lot sooner than other passings. Well within 24 hours. I was worried about it not turning out great because my gut wouldn't shut up all morning. My guess was from eating 2 bananas raw and they weren't ripe enough. In the end, my gut shut up after I passed a lot of gas, and the stool came out as a light colored Bristol 4. That makes me happy, because that means I can handle bananas! They just make me a little gassy. I'll stick to one banana a day from now on since I had two yesterday. After some research, I found that bananas act as a bit of a laxative. Same with apples and a bunch of other fruits and vegetables, so I'll have to keep that in mind.

How I Feel: I've noticed that I sleep hard through the entire night, like, all the time these days. I barely wake up at all, and sleeping in whatever position I want is no problem. My gut is basically healed. Just need to keep treating it right and continue the Phases of the SCD Lifestyle book by continuing to puree and cook my fruits and veggies. A week and a half left of Phase 1. I will be pushing my preparation for Spinach to tomorrow and trying it out then. After that, there isn't really anything else in the Phase 1 diet that I really want to try, so I've built my food safety zone, and I'm fine with cycling through what I've been eating over these last 12 days. My gut was screaming and moaning at me all morning, but it ended up being massive gas. After I passed it, my gut stopped churning. I was worried there would have been a yeast buildup from the two bananas I ate, but it seems that I've gotten away with it, and now I can eat raw bananas. Thank goodness! I'll only have one a day from now on though. Don't want to abuse the sugar intake to my body and start something bad in me.

Food: I had a small breakfast of applesauce since I had to rush off to class. Lunch was turkey meat and eggs cooked together. Dinner I went all out and bought a bunch of food to fill my refrigerator with. So much salmon now sits pleasantly in there. I had a piece of salmon, eggs and ground beef, applesauce, and diluted welches grape juice. I loved the meal so much that I took a picture! I still need a broiler pan tho which should come in the mail soon. I panfried everything, which wasn't the greatest idea. Not one bit of fat escaped that pan and I ate it all. I'll make sure not to overdo that in the future also.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

SCD Day 11


Medication: 10MG Prednisone (Goes does to 5MG for a week starting tomorrow), 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic, ProZymes

Passings: 1
9PM (Florida Time, since I flew back to Florida from California today) This passing seemed even better than yesterdays! Very little undigested fat. Maybe the tiniest bit of yeast spotted, but I think I'm responding well to bananas, so thats good. I won't go more than 1 a day from now on. This part is gross, but even the smell that reaches my nose from the bowl of the stool even smells like a normal stool. If you suffer from a gut disease, you know that those messy stools just aren't corrected in any way at all, shape or form.... or smell. No undigested foods were spotted. Soft Bristol 4.

How I Feel: Such a blessing to be using the restroom only once a day. I didn't have to go on the long plane trip home at all from California to Florida (where I attend college). My body is feeling normal. I hear no gurgling or churning in my gut anymore that's out of the ordinary. I mostly hear it only from my stomach, which makes sense because I didn't have many opportunities to eat big today. In the first third of the day, I thought I might have been feeling funny and reacting to the bananas I introduced yesterday. But the "results" that came in later at 9PM showed a very nice stool passing. Bananas will not be abused, but I'm very glad to report that I'm pretty sure I can handle them raw. I'll continue to eat them for another 3 days to make sure I continue to react well to them. I think any feelings of bad reactions are sometimes just in my head. I worry about what I put into my body so much lately, and I wince whenever my gut makes a noise. But in the end, it always keeps turning out alright!

Food: One banana for breakfast, one banana on the plane flight (thank goodness they happened to have bananas on the food cart on my DELTA flight), and I cooked 4 eggs with turkey meat for dinner with a side of 2 cups of applesauce. I purchased Motts NATURAL Applesauce. This seems to be SCD Legal. The ingredients are just Apples, Water, and Ascorbic Acids. Make sure to get NATURAL and not ORIGINAL, for ORIGINAL has corn starch. Tonight I will puree SPINACH and introduce it tomorrow.


Monday, March 21, 2016

SCD Day 10


Medication: 10MG Prednisone, 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic, ProZymes

Passings: 1
4:20PM My best poop so far! I experienced an appropriate urgency for a normal bowel movement, and I made it to the nearest mall bathroom toilet with time to spare! Absolutely no yeast again, and I didn't see undigested fat either! I think I did see some chicken and leftover steak make it through me, but the stool still came out as a soft but well put together, appropriate darkness in color Brostol 4. I was super happy and excited!

How I Feel: So good! My health is always awesome. Never any pains anywhere on my body and I'm always up for exercise besides the slight cold I caught from some people the other day and the fact that I'll be on a plane all day soon now that spring break is over. I will have to watch out for ourselves on this diet on our own for awhile. She is/was such a blessing to me over this spring break that we both started this diet together, and I know I will do excellently without her! Though I will miss her help and her delicious cooking! Today we introduced banana into our diet. We first blended it into homemade almond milk and made an excellent couple of cups of banana smoothie! I will definitely be making that over and over again in the near future. Almond milk continues to be well tolerated, though I might have over done it today. I also ate two whole bananas, so I hope those sit well in me and there are no yeast problems. I haven't heard or noticed any churning or gurgling today, and that makes me so happy. I really am healing you guys. This diet is amazing and I am a huge fan of it!

Food: Eggs and left over salmon for breakfast. Chicken drumsticks and apple sauce for lunch. Eggs, chicken drum sticks, and apple sauce for dinner. Almond milk and that banana smoothie was also consumed today as well as a couple of bananas. Maybe I should have introduced the bananas slower. Hopefully I handle it well!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

SCD Day 9


Medication: 10MG Prednisone, 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic, ProZymes

Passings: 1
6PM A broken up Bristol 4, with the slightest undigested fat. Still no sign of yeast which is great. I'm sure the bad bacterias are starved out and kept in check which is good to keep me healing. I believe I did see some undigested steak from the other night. Very interesting. I guess if I don't chew enough, I can't break down EVERYTHING. But things are getting better, and I'm sure that will get better over time as my gut heals.

How I Feel: Great! I don't think I've been hearing as much gurgling going on in my guts lately. I haven't even thought about it. I seem to be reacting just fine to Homemade Almond milk, so I'll bring in bananas pretty soon. Those can be tried out raw. A great discovery was made today that will save money. It kind of costs a lot to buy a bunch of apples and puree them ourselves to make apple sauce. I was Googling around today and found out that we can actually buy and eat Treetop and/or Organic applesauce with no sugar added instead! This is so good and saves time and money! Very excited to learn about that today!

Food: Eggs for breakfast. Chicken and Jello for lunch. Salmon and the store-bought applesauce for dinner. I like to add in cinnamon and honey in the applesauce :)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

SCD Day 8


Medication: 10MG Prednisone, 40MG Lialda, SCD Probiotic, ProZymes

Passings: 1
6:00PM A small passing, but basically a broken up Bristol 4. Not a 5. The SLIIIIIIIGHTEST amount of undigested fat on it that's barely worth mentioning. Good poop.

How I Feel: Felt productive today and researched all kinds of success stories and whatnot, whether they were written, but mostly youtube videos. First off, not a lot of people are trying the SCD diet. There aren't a lot of videos out there on it. Second, some of the video people end up quitting it for excuses that I personally didn't think were good enough, but maybe I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Other people you can see that they do the diet all wrong and cheat all the time, or start out the diet incorrectly and are too impatient to add foods in one at a time. They dive straight for the cheese or almond bread or don't cook their fruits and vegetables. Not me. I'm going to be in this thing 100%. I get cravings, but I hate getting worse more than I want to eat a huge chocolate cake with a glass of whole milk. The apple sauce we made is sitting fine, and today we made a DELICIOUS batch of Homemade Almond Milk. I added in honey, vanilla extract, and cinnamon, which I seem to not be reacting to at all. I didn't hear my gut working hard to adjust to the Almond milk at any time. I might have had a little too much of it to start off with for the first day, so next time I introduce something, I gotta remember to take it a little easier. I had a whole cup, and then I froze another cup of it in the freezer and came back to it for dessert. It was already so sweet, and actually worked pretty great as an ice cream dessert! Going to keep that one in mind, but add more honey next time to treat it even more so like a dessert!

Food: Eggs and apple sauce for breakfast. Chicken and the rest of the apple sauce for lunch. We had a little snack in-between lunch and dinner of Cod, which is my least favorite fish. It's more chewy than tilapia and salmon. Made the Homemade Almond Milk and went to town on that. Dinner was a gift of a large Ribeye steak that was to die for! Holy cow! For dessert, we had frozen almond milk. So good!